Frequently Asked Questions

What is the goal of this website?

The process of finding qualified MOAs and clinic opportunities is currently very disjointed.  The intention of this website is to create a centralized online hub for clinics and Medical Office Assistants post and view relevant opportunities.  The goal is to help improve the job hunting experience for MOAs and to ease the challenge of finding staff for medical clinics.

Why is this a non-profit venture?

We strongly believe that our community needs a centralized online hub to view and post clinic opportunities. This website was built with the intention to help others and to ease the stress of clinicians trying to find help for their practices. We are taking a non-profit approach and have donated our time and resources to make this website a reality for others.  By offering free job postings, we hope the community will embrace the concept and share the website with others.

How can I help to spread the word about

The more clinics and medical office assistants who utilize, the more useful it will become. Please share the idea with your colleagues, Facebook groups, MOA and medical school classmates.  We need your support to grow.  With more users, we can offer more job opportunities and will have higher application rates for those looking to hire. Let’s work together to spread the word about this new online resource.

What is the long term vision of
We’d love to see this website become the career hub for medical office assistants and the ‘go to’ website for clinics wishing to hire.  Our vision is to eliminate the need to for expensive job postings for clinics and the endless searching of the internet for job hunters. By creating a central hub, we can make life easier for MOAs and doctors.

I am having technical difficulties, what can I do?
Please log out and try again. Be sure you are using an updated browser such a Firefox. If all else fails, please fill out the Contact Us form. We will try our best to get back to you.